What Should You Do to Get Ready for Your Cosmetic Surgery?

Stop smoking 15 days before surgery
Please let us know if you are using any nutritional supplements, vitamins, fat burners, or other products intended to improve your health and wellness.
If you are currently taking any medicine, including but not limited to the following:
If you suffer from any kind of physical or mental condition, including but not limited to hypertension, diabetes, thyroid, heart disease, asthma, or psychiatric disorder, you are not eligible for this offer. In order to ensure that the operation goes well and without incident, you should get the opinion of your physician (d.) or any other qualified medical professional.
Previous occurrences: You are required to disclose, in advance, any medical condition, hospital stay, or surgery you have had in the past, regardless of how trivial you believe it to be, in order for the surgeon to schedule the procedure safely. https://dsmhealthyskin.com/post-injury-recovery/
Day before surgery

On the day before your surgery, you will receive a phone call from our centre with information on preparatory prescriptions, arriving, and surgical scheduling.

Preparation for the surgical procedure
Anaesthesia general comes first.

  1. Do not consume anything by mouth eight hours before the procedure, and do not consume anything by mouth six hours before the surgery. You are allowed to clean and rinse your teeth, as well as take some prescriptions, while drinking a little amount of water. according to what was discussed with the physician
  2. Take a shower; you are free to wash your hair and give yourself a shower either the night before or the morning of your procedure.
  3. Do not use deodorant or lotions, especially on your chest and torso, since these areas tend to harbour the most bacteria.
  4. Clothing–wear clothes that are comfortable and have a loose fit, and if possible, choose a top that buttons up or a hoodie with a zipper. Put on some warm socks and shoes that are flat and comfy. On the day of your operation, you should not bring any valuables or jewellery with you to the hospital. You are the one who will be responsible for seeing to its upkeep.
  5. Remove contact lenses, dentures, and nipple rings before surgery. Before surgery, you will need to remove any things that include contact lenses.
  6. Remove the nail paint at least off your left index finger, since this will be used for monitoring purposes throughout the operation.
  7. Get your suitcase ready; among the things you should carry with you to the operation are the following:
  1. Transportation: Because you could wake up with a hangover after the anaesthetic, you won’t be able to drive yourself home from the hospital. Please make arrangements for someone to drive you to and from the operation. If you are unable to find somebody to do so, please contact our office so that we may discuss alternative potential choices.
  2. Arrival — You should come between one and one and a half hours before your operation, as directed during your pre-op appointment and/or by the staff at the surgery facility. As a result, you will feel more at ease, and adequate time will be allotted for preoperative preparation.
  3. Bring payment with you if you still owe money for your procedure; this is a must if you have an outstanding amount.

Anaesthesia regional or local
When it comes to food, you won’t be able to consume anything starting two hours before your treatment.
When it comes to bathing, you should take a normal shower either the night before or the morning of your procedure.
You should avoid using any lotions, moisturizers, or deodorant on your body at all costs.
Do not bring any valuables or jewellery with you on the day that you are scheduled to have surgery.
Garments It is recommended that you dress in relaxed, comfortable attire. If you can, try to find a shirt that buttons all the way up or a hoodie with a zip. Put on some warm socks and shoes that are comfy.
Take out your contact lenses, dentures, and nipple rings, as well as any other objects you may have in your mouth. It is vital for monitoring during operation that you take off the nail paint at least from your left index finger, so please remove it.
Transportation is required, and you must have someone remain with you the first night and drive you home.
Medications should be taken as follows: one tablet of eugenic, two tablets of cavum (625), and two hours before operation. Bring along any and all medications you may need. If you have taken Xanax before coming to our clinic, you should not drive.
Arrival: Unless otherwise advised, you should be at the hospital one hour before the time when your operation is planned to begin.
Payment: If you still owe money for your operation, please bring payment with you when you come in for your appointment.

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